Thursday, June 30, 2011

my new purchase!

i just ordered my new bike off ebay! I'm kind of impatient when I get excited so i'm not sure i'll  be able to wait until it gets here! The house i'm moving into at the end of summer is right by campus so now i can ride to school and avoid the awful fight for parking!
are there any bikers out there? because I don't really know anything about bikes--i just picked it because it's cute! In my defense I have heard that Schwinn's are good bikes.....and by "heard" I mean I saw it on Oprah :)) but she wouldn't lie to me right?!? ha--we'll see when it gets here, apparently I have 30 days to return it, so all of you bike-know-it-alls let me know what you think! unfortunately it's time i get off my lazy boo-tay and get some work done!

yours truly, 
kelley mackenzie

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

college forever??

hey ya'll! i switched the blog up a bit--what do you think?! don't be too critical--i'm not finished, still trying to learn how to do all that fancy design stuff :) i'm really liking peach right now {i'll have to show yall how i'm designing my room at school}

what's been on my mind lately is my major--I am about to be a junior in college and still trying to figure it out. I know people say "don't stress, you have time to figure it out--you're young" &&all this is true, but i've been done with core classes for a while && now i'm wasting money/time..but my logic is one more year in school is MUCH better than a lifetime of work at a job you don't my question is--how did you guys finally decide your major??

i'm indecisive--i know. I started out undecided, then pre-vet, then organizational communications {weird major, i know}, and now....drum roll.....nursing. then hopefully working as a neonatal nurse. any nurses out there? or nursing majors? any advice? we'll see how long this one sticks, but hopefully it does because it's a competitive major so it's not going to be easy

my advice to people going into college/in college..take a class in each of your interests and try and see what you like the best. do lots of research, and volunteer if you can! but don't stress--it really is better to take the time to figure out what you love!

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” -howard thurman

so true right? if ya'll have any advice about majors, my blog, or anything--feel free to comment! 

i'll leave you with some pictures of me and clinton before we left for cma fest :)

yours truly, 
kelley mackenzie


under construction--bear with me! soon [hopefully] i will be up and running/posting again :))

{ironic that it took me forever to decide on a title/design}