Wednesday, July 13, 2011

whew, what a weekend!

i've been m.i.a--i know, i know. my best friend came in town last weekend (phoebe) and had no time to blog! but now i have fun pictures and stories. saturday we decided to do a photo shoot out in the country--which lasted two hours and consisted of four hundred thirty-seven photos. a little excessive if i do say so myself.

 {note the irony of the "women" sign above us-ha}

 {we started going crazy after 300 pictures!}

 we're blessed to have each other <3

{keep in mind it was 100 degrees so we were happy to see water}

so. funny story. when we were at the little house with the women's sign everyone was posed for pictures as i start screaming "take my boot off!! take my boot off!!!" everyone looks at me like i'm crazy and start laughing as i hop around screaming trying to pull my boot off--finally haley pulls it off, unfortunately it was after the bee stung me on my ankle and after i made myself look like a fool. did i mention it was not an abandon house, but rather in the middle of a busy canoe rental?  needless to say, the next two days my ankle felt like it was broken

later that night we went to jazz on the lawn {an event held at our local winery where you can sit among the vineyard or dance to live music--the whole town is there} phoebe got to see a lot of the people i grew up with so it was nice. 
{it's been a long day--so ignore the fact that i look rough}

sunday was spent relaxing on the river and then i was back to reality. oh! update: going strong in my water drinking :) be proud. although i may be cheating. i'm adding this to my water:

no calories or anything--experts out there--am i cheating? regardless, if you guys haven't tried these, GET them! they are so good. be looking for a vlog later, because i am going to be participating in a vlog link-up. {either tonight or tomorrow}

yours truly,
kelley mackenzie


Gentri said...

So fun! You all look fabulous! I really love the picture of the boots over your shoulders. :)

Stephanie said...

Those shots are awesome! No such thing as "excessive" when you're having fun with friends :)

Kristal said...

I love the photo shoot! It looks like it was a ton of fun, gosh you'll look back and love all the pics. No such thing as too many memories!

Anna-Alina said...

Wow!Cool photos!
You are so pretty!
I follow you!♥
Follow me???

kelley mackenzie said...

thank you guys! &glad to see y'all don't think we're crazy for taking 987456 pictures!