Thursday, July 21, 2011

dream mode.

after looking around at all your lovely blogs, i've fallen into what i'd like to call "dream mode" --y'all are always wearing the cutest clothes and it doesn't seem like styling your hair turns into WWIII {every morning}. now if you're anything like me--you take pictures in your cute clothes and when you're hair is looking good {hey--i'm aware of the tricks ;) } but i'm still in dream mode and would like to share it with you:

first off, i would buy ALL of these dresses:

{1. Thread Case  2. Ruche  3-5. ModCloth  6-9. Anthropologie}

and then i would like to go here:

i'd stay here:

and while i was there, my hair would look something like this ;)

i would love to have that beach wave look-but unfortunately my hair is a one-trick pony so it only knows stick straight :)

ha! now obviously if i could travel ANYwhere it'd be somewhere more extravagant, but this is semi-realistic :) but enough of this--what would y'all dream about!? it's storming here so perfect time to daydream :))

yours truly,
kelley mackenzie


Hannah Sullivan said...

darling darling blog! I read your about me and saw you are a younglife leader! that is so awesome! I did summer staff last summer in Oregon and loved it! I cant wait to read more!

Hannah said...

i want beachy waves :( my hair is impossible!! i'm with you on the ww3 thing haha!

love your blog :)

Constantia Timotheou said...

i also really want beach wave hair..but my hair won't grow to the length i want haha :p Could you follow my blog? xx

Courtlyn Ash said...

Love this post! The only time I can perfect the beach wave is when im actually at the beach!?!? I have yet to figure out how to do it on my own...lame!~

Anonymous said...

ooh, i love dream mode! i'll take all those dresses, please!

Unknown said...

love this post!! i'm always in dream mode reading all of these girls' blogs...