Thursday, September 8, 2011

water aerobics?

what do you think of when you hear 'water aerobics'? this.....?

yeah, me too. but i'm in a water aerobics class this semester, i needed to fill up some hours and never have taken a class just for FUN. so i picked water aerobics thinking: something very different, water, fun, active, easy--well. it's definitely fun, i mean i get to be in a pool as a class--but sheesh, i am grasping for air at the end. i knew this would be an "active" class, but boy i am dead afterwards.
then i leave class and ride my bike home--at this rate i am going to be in great shape by the end of the semester--that's the goal at least.

ha thought that was cute&appropriate for me--what do yall do for fun workouts? because i hate working out--so things like water aerobics is a good/fun way for me to be active. any suggestions?

oh&&tomorrow i leave for SharpTop Cove--a Younglife camp for leader weekend--we get to be "campers" for the weekend, there are going to be amazing speakers, worship, surprises, and free time to enjoy the company of 540 leaders throughout Tennessee :) want to see the some pictures of the beautiful place i get to go?

i leave tomorrow and can't wait! i know i'm going to have so many stories for you monday :) have a great weekend y'all!

yours truly,
kelley mackenzie

Friday, September 2, 2011

look at this!!

okay. came across the most second most adorable dog ever&&had to share! :) Being Nickel. the cutest guy ever.

my first week of classes went great. can I just vent for a sec? textbooks. i would LOVE to know how much they cost to make, just so i can be aware HOW much they're ripping me off. anatomy book? mhm. $225 dollars. not to mention the $60 dollar lab book I had to buy as well. and that's just for one class. shesh, they just WANT to make you broke. anyways yall enjoy your labor day weekend! it's taking me a while to get into the swing of things, but do expect more regular posts as the days go on

yours truly, 
kelley mackenzie