Thursday, June 30, 2011

my new purchase!

i just ordered my new bike off ebay! I'm kind of impatient when I get excited so i'm not sure i'll  be able to wait until it gets here! The house i'm moving into at the end of summer is right by campus so now i can ride to school and avoid the awful fight for parking!
are there any bikers out there? because I don't really know anything about bikes--i just picked it because it's cute! In my defense I have heard that Schwinn's are good bikes.....and by "heard" I mean I saw it on Oprah :)) but she wouldn't lie to me right?!? ha--we'll see when it gets here, apparently I have 30 days to return it, so all of you bike-know-it-alls let me know what you think! unfortunately it's time i get off my lazy boo-tay and get some work done!

yours truly, 
kelley mackenzie


Whim Wham Life said...

OH my gosh. It's adorable! I love summer bike rides, I'm not a hardcore road biker or anything though:-)

kelley mackenzie said...

why thank you :)) &neither am I--i'll definitely have to practice before I go to school and make a fool of myself in front of an entire campus!

his little lady said...

ahh, i'm SO jealous! this summer bike is just perfection. i need to invest ASAP!

Megan said...

well hey girl! thank you for following me! :) i'm following you now! cute bike! i bought a bike last year but never used it and ended up selling it weeks later.. hahaha but don't listen to my example!

Pia said...

The bike is adorable! It's pink!! I love.

Unknown said...

hahaha cute bike!
we can follow each other
then let me know to do the same!

Courtlyn Ash said...

Ahhh were in the EXACT same boat!! The apartment im moving into is super close to campus so im using my schwinn bike (light green) but I used it all last year too and their GREAT! You will love love love it!!

kelley mackenzie said...

aw i'll glad y'all love the bike too! i questioned if it was TOO much, then thought--no way! i hope i get good use out of it too, i feel like i will since parking is SUCH a pain--if not there's always ebay right? :)

María D. Valderrama said...

I love it!! Mine's red haha Thanks for comment in my blog, yours is cool :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! I LOVE it! I seriously have wanted a bike that since FOREVER! Unfortunately for me I live on a mountain, so I need more of a mountain-type bike. Once I move to a more level ground area, I will definitely be getting a bike like this!

Anonymous said...

Aw how cute. I bought a bike a few years ago to take to college with me but I was 3 Miles away from college and I had the most trouble cycling up all those hills without turning red faced :(
Turns out my bike is now laying outside with rust *sniff
Please don't let your bike get sick. I wish I hadn't neglected mines.